Like the Branches of One Tree

2 min readJul 26, 2020

Genetically, all the nations are like the branches of one tree, all the people on this planet - one big family!

Yet, right now, we feel a widening separation between us like never before, on all levels: in the family, in the society, between countries, nations, between humanity and Nature. The coronavirus pandemic has truly sharpened our vision.

Great! Finally, people from all the corners of the world can see the importance of correcting these relationships! And this time, not just on the surface, as in business-like agreements that our human history is so full of — from police-enforced social norms and behaviours of everyday life to various global political and economical flops of the likes of the UN and the EU — but rather correcting these relationships deep in one’s heart!

Can I really make that inner effort to generate a feeling of warmth, care and support for people around me (as I can for my children, for instance, however much they might have just annoyed me)? Maybe! Although I quickly realize that it’s not something I’ve tried!

But wouldn’t it be a good exercise for me and all humanity to engage in, right now? After all, in the interconnected, interdependent, integral world of today, we should all benefit from learning how to awaken that inner feeling of greater closeness between us! In likeness with the inner positive connection between all the other elements of Nature!

